February 15, 2025


Family Food Travel Website

ROM (Registration of Marriage) at JPN (Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara), Putrajaya

ROM (Registration of Marriage) at JPN (Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara), Putrajaya

We have been busy for the past few weeks only for a reason, my ROM (Registration of Marriage) on Monday. We’ve been busy custom making our wedding rings, getting things ready for Rachel to move in and also to make sure everything in order for ROM.

Thanks to my new friend Dev, I got my fantastic wedding pictures shot in Putrajaya.


This picture is taken at JPN @ Putrajaya. Our efforts to register at Putrajaya paid off with many fantastic pictures.


It was a very nervous day for me. I want to make sure everything went smoothly. Well, I guess it happened to everyone.

We would like to thank to our friends that came for our ROM. We really appreciate their sincerity and their efforts. Some of them took leave just to come over for our ROM.

We would also like to thank the messages from SMS, MSN and Facebook. Sorry for leaving some of our friends out. There were already more than 20 guests in our ROM. We will make sure everyone to be invited to our wedding dinner. That will be a coming soon story.
There will be more pictures coming soon. Thanks for reading. Finally I’m married!

Please do call for them for more information about the dates availability.

On the  wedding actual day, you can pre-book your wedding time or queue up to get your number and the timing will be based on the number. There are 2 rooms for the wedding registration, Malay Registration Room and Multi Race Registration Room. Do request to them which room you want. We chose the the multi race registration room.

JPN (Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara), Putrajaya Contact & Address:
JPN (Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara)Address:
Kementerian Dalam Negeri
62100 Putrajaya

0 thoughts on “ROM (Registration of Marriage) at JPN (Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara), Putrajaya

  1. I want to register marriage at jpn putrajaya.but im from kedah.and my boyfriend his from african.I want to know what we need to do or information for resgister marry.thank you

  2. I’m Malaysian India girl 25 years,I want marriage India man from chennai age 27..my parents never accept to marry India guy..my fiance working Singapore just 2 years under s pass…we plan to register in johor..so wat document we need?pls ans quickly…if register also want witness family members or my friends?pls reply tq

  3. Hai can I get the contact details of Dev (Photographer). He has captured your moments really well. Thanks in advance.

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