Shop with Rewards2Go iPhone App
2 min readShop with Rewards2Go iPhone App
The digital era is now, not future! We are living and breathing one now. For those who spoke to me before on blogging and social media networking, I was stress about the importance of internet penetration in Malaysia via mobile phones or smart phones. Here is another reason why, Shopping using iPhone.
How many times have you walked out of a store only to realise later that you have missed out on an offer or discount with your credit card?
Offer via mobile, how convenient.
How many times have you highlighted cafes & restaurants on your credit card privileges catalogue at home only to forget about them when you are out and about?
If you have had your share of missed opportunities to be rewarded with your credit card, because you were unaware of the privileges entitled to you, Rewards2Go is what you have been waiting for.
Easy to view and book.
With Rewards2Go, you can access benefits exclusive to your credit cards and make smart consumer decisions. You will always be in the know to enjoy the best your credit cards have to offer.
Why Rewards2Go?
• – First free consolidated credit card privileges directory app in Malaysia
• – Search offers by Bank and Credit Card
• – Search offers by Merchant
• – Search offers by Category; i.e. Shopping, Dining, Travel, Spa, Health & Beauty
• – View each offer in detail
• – Compare offers among Banks for same Merchant and pull out the best Card
• – Bookmark offers and benefits for future reference
• – Bookmark Cards for quick and easy access
• – Create and organise your favourite special offers
• – It’s FREE! Download the app free, use it for free
Rewards2Go will constantly be updated according to the latest offers. Additional Banks and Credit Cards privileges will be added to the list soon.
Offers on selected hotels too, holiday anyone?
Fast, easy and convenient, Rewards2Go is your ideal lifestyle companion.
You can get special dining and hotels offers even you are on the go. Just a simple few clicks and you can enjoy great savings. Lastly, there are also joint promotions with bank merchants so there are more choices of savings and discount to choose from!
For more information visit Rewards2go
Rewards2go can be downloaded from app store by searching “Rewards2go” or
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