February 14, 2025


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Five Major COVID-19 Clusters Identified in Malaysia

Some update on COVID-19 Virus Cases in Malaysia. There are 4,110 total COVID-19 Cases, 2567 cases in treatment, 1487 cases totally recovered and sadly 65 cases of deaths as announced by  Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) or Ministry of Health Malaysia . The Ministry of Health Malaysia also identified Five Major COVID-19 Clusters in Malaysia on their official Twitter Account. https://twitter.com/KKMPutrajaya

5 major covid19

The Five Major COVID-19 Clusters Identified in Malaysia:

1. Religious Gathering in Seri Petaling (1,682)

2.Religious Gathering in Kuching (110)

3.Wedding Ceremony in Bandar Baru Bangi. (94)

4. Individual with travel history to Italy (Kuching) (41)

5. Sub Cluster from Seri Petaling at Rembau Area (27)

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Source: https://twitter.com/KKMPutrajaya

The original Tweet is as follows:

#COVID19Malaysia Status terkini lima kluster terbesar.

1. Perhimpunan di Seri Petaling (1,682)

2. Persidangan keagamaan di Kuching (110)

3. Majlis perkahwinan di BB Bangi (94)

4. Individu sejarah perjalanan ke Itali (41)

5.  Subkluster Seri Petaling di Daerah Rembau (27)

Source: https://twitter.com/KKMPutrajaya/status/1247838531302486016

Lastly, there are 23 COVID-19 Red Zones in Malaysia as on 12 noon, 7 April 2020. The above figures are officials from Ministry of Health Malaysia. Please don’t ask us to change the numbers because you don’t like it. If you want the numbers to be low, please stay at home and don’t go out at all. Be safe and be strong everyone, we are on the same boat to make the curve flat during this Movement Control Order. Thanks everyone for reading this.

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