July 27, 2024


Family Food Travel Website

*Written by Wilson Ng*

Another post written by me, Rachel been busy taking care of the house, asking her to write will add up more work for her. She will love to write a few upcoming ones, but for now I’m to write this.

I blogged about flymas.mobi recently and we used it for our bloggers’ Penang “makan” trip.

It all happened on last Sunday. I fetched Bryan, Ivy Ai Wei and Wei Zhi of Kampungboycitygal to KLIA. Luckily, I managed to grab this picture out of no where.

Then, we met the rest. Camwhore session. After the rest of the bloggers came, it was time to rock!

While many would wonder only high tech new phones like iPhone and BlackBerry, that is so wrong. Well, I checked in using my old pariah Sony Ericsson K770i. This was the QR code that I received via sms. Well, the usage is as below:

Basically I need to put my screen to the mobile check-in scanner to get validated! That’s it! No need ticket, no need email, just like that.

In case you doubting, Rachel used her HTC to check in also! Of course her screen bigger but for the mobile check-in scanner, size doesn’t matter!

Me camwhoring with Yap Thomas behind.

The flight was full. I liked how they did the seats. So colorful.

Once we reached Penang International Airport, we spotted our tour guide. Her name is called Protein, no reason given. Anyways, we spotted her and our food fest begins!

MAS booked a tour bus of us and I just can’t seems to stop camwhoring. Me and wifey, Rachel.

We arrived at the first pit stop.  Nasi Kandar Line Clear at Penang Road. A very popular nasi kandar place in Penang.

Nice ladies fingers. Took this while we were queuing up.

The fresh curry, yum yum!

The curry and the menu.

The utensils that makes the sweet and tasty “teh tarik”.

The fish…

and the fried chickens…

Check out the food available at the counter, it was massive.

This was mine!

My nasi kandar! Fried chicken and fish, squid’s egg, fried egg and nasi kandar. RM 11 for all of this. The fried chicken and fish was ordinary to me, so do the fried egg. My first attempt of the squid’s was one to remember, not really a big fan of it. The nasi kandar was alright.

This was Rachel’s! Squid, big prawn and nasi kandar, cost RM 18. Cough cough.

The other bloggers, Dale, Thomas, Aaron, James, CK Lam (very popular Penang foodies), Ivy, Wei zhi, Bryan, Wingz, Ee win and Rachel.

Checked out the queue while our way out. No joke.

Queue until outside. This Nasi Kandar Line Clear is a really clearly very FAMOUS!

Then we walked to another famous “makan” place. The Penang Cendol!

The Penang Road Famous Teochew Cendul! This was good!

We ordered 18 bowls. Well, it was really nice! Sweet and tasty!

Ivy and Wei Zhin posing with their banana fritters (pisang goreng).

Well, if you do not believe me, see for yourself. Another long queue!

We didn’t stop there. No, no, no…

We continued our journey for this recommendation from CK Lam, the coconut jelly! Located in Dato Keramat Road, this coconut jelly place is must try place!

The coconuts…. “fresh, fresh”…

Their “panel of fame”. Their newspapers write-ups.

The amazing thing about this place was the jelly. Somehow they cooked the jelly within the coconut. The taste of the cold jelly was refreshing! This is highly recommended!

Rachel and me camwhoring again.

Ivy and Wei Zhi with their beloved coconut jelly.

The gang posed.

Then we proceeded to Padang Kota. Lovely area!

Well, we were there for our last pit stop, Pasembor of Padang Kota. Out of the many stalls we chose this Hussain Pasembor by random.

The fried stuffs for Pasembor.

Our order. I loved this but Rachel felt it was too ordinary. Well, it was quite dependent on our crispy and fresh of the pasembor and of course their paste as well.

Rachel and me camwhoring at Padang Kota.

That was our last stop and we proceeded to the airport. It was short and sad but we still had to go back to Kuala Lumpur, Penang we missed ya.

Oh did we forgot our air tickets? Hell no fear! We checked in again using Flymas.mobi using our mobile phone. Checking in was easy and simple, hassle and stress free.

Penang was really fun. It was all made happened by MAS and also their efficient Flymas.mobi system.

That was one of the best way to spend a Sunday. Fly to Penang for food and fly back to Kuala Lumpur. Flying made easier with Flymas.mobi

Thanks MAS for the trip and also the first hand experience on Flymas.mobi! Thanks! We loved it!

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