July 27, 2024


Family Food Travel Website

Pikom PC Fair 2009 Ladies, KLCC , Kuala Lumpur Convention Center

1 min read

*Written by Wilson Ng*

It has been a few donkey years since the last time I went to Pikom PC Fair. I used to go there annually. Today, it was an exception. I was there to do some work and sadly I didn’t bring my DSLR.

Why did I regret not bringing my DSLR? Check out the pictures below.

Out of no where, got “nurse” posing.

2 nurses some more. Rachel was surprised as well. We really haven’t been to PC Fair as well.

Then we saw more girls. Cosplay!

I was like, you must be kidding me? Till you see the next picture!

Check out the dude with muscles. I asked him how long he trained to be so muscular. He shy away.

Rachel was like… “See, people got muscles! You so fat!”

More pictures!

The whole group picture, I missed my DSLR wide angle…

The 2 ladies in the middle were “poser friendly”. They kept looking at my camera whenever I clicked. Thank you guys!

Lastly, the anti-virus girl!

She was posing as if… “Sir, you need us to cure you?” Joking, joking…

This was the last picture I took. We didn’t walk through the whole PC Fair. Just one section. We left early. Place was really packed!

0 thoughts on “Pikom PC Fair 2009 Ladies, KLCC , Kuala Lumpur Convention Center

  1. Nice shot dude I’m there with my DSLR 5PM….. But still that July & August I have more shot and more girls ^o^ yum yum. Mostly I see now many guys using DSLR instead than digital.

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