January 17, 2025


Family Food Travel Website

Gerai Pak Samad MR1M Medan Selera Duta

How much are you willing to spend for your breakfast and lunch in city? Everyone wants to spend lesser than RM 10 for both meals but is that a reality? With the recent petrol hike of 20sen in Malaysia, many food stalls are taking that advantage to increase their food prices. Even the property in Malaysia will take a hike of 10% to 15%.

Recently, I was invited to for MR1M, a government initiative. What is MR1M?

MR1M stands for Menu Rakyat 1Malaysia or 1Malaysia People’s Menu.

With the support from KPDNKK (Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negari, Koperasi and Kepegunaan, MR1M is not a new campaign but it has been remotely active for the past few years.

There are currently over 3000 outlets participating throughout the whole Malaysia (inclusive of East Malaysia). Outlets participating MR1M program is voluntary and it is not financed by the government agency as I was told.

The beauty of MR1M is breakfast menu set is fixed at RM 2.00 per set (RM 2.50 per set in East Malaysia) and lunch menu set is fixed at RM 4.00 per set (RM 5.00 per set in East Malaysia). All the sets come with a complimentary drink.

Well, you can get nasi lemak with drinks like Teh O or Nescafe O or Kopi O for breakfast. Some might include menu like nasi goreng or mee goreng with the same drinks. Menu is fixed by the stall owner and not by the KPDNKK.
mr1m pak samad lauk

At Gerai Pak Samad in Medan Duta, you get to choose a variety of breakfast that includes nasi lemak biasa, mee goreng, meehoon goreng, nasi goreng with choices of drinks like Teh O or Nescafe O or Kopi O and you just have to pay RM 2.00 for it.
mr1m pak samad set lunch
For lunch, Pak Samad offer nasi campur (mixed rice) with one lauk (one dish), vegetable dish (to be determined by stall owner) with one drink (either sirap or teh O). You can choose anything as your dish, even fish, beef, mutton, squid (sotong) or chicken (depends on availability of the stall). MR1M Lunch Set is priced only at RM 4.00. Any additional dish will be paid extra. RM 4.00 is a steal. What can you get for RM 4.00 lunch in reality, maybe rice with vegetables? If you want to save money for your meals, you should look out for MR1M stalls.
mr1m pak samad
To look other participating stalls in Medan Selera Duta, look for the MR1M Banner or check out their website at 1Malaysia Pengguna Bijak (www.1pengguna.com) or Android Apps at (MyKPDNKK). They have the whole list for Malaysia.


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