February 14, 2025


Family Food Travel Website

Travel by Australians: June 2013

Travel by Australians: June 2013 quarterly results of the National Visitor Survey

Australians have been actively traveling this year. There is an increase of traveling activities based on the Key Findings (year ending 30 June 2013).

cimb tasmania kangaroos


(Kangaroos in Tasmania)

How does it count as overnight travel?
Overnight travel involves a stay away from home of at least one night, at a place at least 40 kilometres from home. A person is an overnight visitor to a location if they stay one or more nights in the location while travelling.

 Read:  Free job ads for ‘working holiday’ roles in Australia 

Total overnight trips

  • There were 75.3 million domestic overnight trips taken in Australia, an increase of 3% compared to the equivalent period in 2012.


Visitor nights

  • Australians spent 288 million nights away from home, up 3% compared to 2012.


  • Two-thirds (67%) of overnight visitors travelled within their home state or territory, and the remaining 33% travelled interstate.

State/territory visits

  • New South Wales received the most visitors (33%), followed by Queensland (26%) and Victoria (20%).

State/territory visitor nights

  • New South Wales received the most visitor nights (30%), followed by Queensland (27%) and Victoria (20%).

Read:  Australia – Zoo without Fences


  • Overnight visitors who travelled for holiday purposes contributed almost 47% of domestic visitor nights, followed by those visiting friends and relatives (31%) and business travellers (16%).


  • In terms of visitor nights, the most popular type of accommodation was a friend’s or relative’s property (37%), followed by a hotel, resort, motel or motor inn (26%).


  • The most common forms of transport for overnight visitors were a private vehicle (72%) and air transport (24%).


  • Overnight visitors spent $51.4 billion, up 3% compared to 2012.

Read:  AirAsiaX  to increase capacity to Australia by 40%

So have you travel to Australia yet? With many direct flights to Australia, you should plan your holiday soon especially year end summer holiday!




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