February 15, 2025


Family Food Travel Website

Meeting Inspiring Ravi Everest The Mount Everest Solo Climber

Meeting Inspiring Ravi – Mount Everest Solo Climber

Today I met someone inspiring at WCSEM 2014 (World Congress in Sports and Exercise Medicine Press Launch 2014) at Royale Chulan Hotel Kuala Lumpur. His name is Ravi Everest or Ravichandran Tharumalingam.

He is Malaysia’s First Solo Climber to Conquer Mount Everest and listed as Malaysia Best Records in Malaysia Book of Records. Ravichandran Tharumalingam or better known as Ravi Everst was aged 47, reached an altitude of 8,843.43m of Mount Everest (North Face) on May 15, 2006 at 2.15pm (4.15pm Malaysian time). He stayed for about 5 minutes before descending.

ravi everest

Putting his records aside, he is a humble man and sat down telling us (my friends and I) some of his life experience in climbing Mount Everest. If you notice that he lost most of his fingers due to frost bite while climbing the treacherous Mount Everest.

Ravi Everest had to climb with his fingers in complete numbness as the weather at Mount Everest was so cold during his climb. Thus, he could not remove his gloves to check as it will make it more complicated. With his eagerness, he keep on hitting his hands on his thigh to keep his hands warm and push himself to scale up to the peak. Only after he descended from the peak, when he removed his gloves, his fingers were severed due to frostbite. Hence, it didn’t stop him from climbing. Currently, he is attempting to finish Grand Slam with K2 as his final climb.

ravi everest fingers frost bite
Fingers due to frostbite

I can never dare to imagine myself climbing a mountain (even Mount Kinabalu) and it is really inspiring to hear life story from a person like Ravi Everest. I couldn’t imagine the determination of a person to climb can go beyond the physical limit of the body. I’ve read many times in Japanese manga but to see and hear from someone who actually did it, it is truly inspiring. The lesson of the day is never give up until the last breath and be positive in our life.

ravi everest malaysia

You can have more info on Ravi Everest at http://www.ravieverest.com/

* This is not a sponsored post or an advertorial. My meeting with Ravi is pure coincidental and yet beneficial.

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