February 8, 2025


Family Food Travel Website

KPOP Tour in Seoul Live

It is 2015 and it is time to travel again. Now, I am currently traveling in Seoul for the first and only KPOP Tour with a group media and travel agents from Malaysia. This KPOP FAM tour is sponsored by Orient Escape Travel and SH Tours Korea. We are the first group for this special KPOP tour.
sm entertainment new office seoul

(Checking out SM Entertainment new building in Seoul)
It is extremely cold now in Seoul. Today, the weather records -16 degree Celsius and I was freezing even with the layers of clothing. So far, I am enjoying the KPOP tour or KPOP discovery tour.
BAP Zelo with Wilson Ng

(Meeting up with B.A.P Zelo for a short interview session, great and awesome KPOP star)
I am not going to write more as I am trying to get my rest in my hotel in Seoul right now. However, you still can join me live at my Instagram @placesandfoods or Twitter @placesandfoods or Facebook Page. I will try to post “live” as many as I can as I am using a portable pocket Wifi so I get Internet connection at LTE (4G) speed anywhere in Seoul.
wifi pocket

For this trip, I am using Samurai Wifi – Travel Pocket Wifi, Pocket Wifi rental service provider from Malaysia. You can pick up device easily at KLIA and start logging on Wifi in Korea. For more information on this handy device, visit Samurai Wifi – Travel Pocket Wifi.



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