The Truth about Musang King Durian Rejected by China
The Truth about Musang King Durian Rejected by China
For the past few days, there are rumours about Musang King durian rejected by China due to too high insecticide detected in the fruits. The Musang King is shipped back to Malaysia and is selling at durian stores and that is the main reason why it is so cheap now. Is this a real story or a fake story?

Thus, we decided to call our durian seller friends about this and also some common sense about our local durians too.

Since last month, there are a few articles stating that durian prices will be dropping as the harvest is good this time around. We wrote about it earlier this month as we went to check out some of the durian prices by some of our favourite durian stalls.
Let us share with you five reasons why the article about Musang King rejects from China doesn’t makes sense at all.
- The Overloading Stock
For the past year, the durian orchards didn’t get many durian fruits due to bad weather and climate. The shortage of durians caused popular durians like Musang King sky rocketed to over RM 100 per kg from RM 30 per kg.
Since the durian orchards are expecting many durians during this time around, the prices of most durians dropped to the old prices. Musang King is expected to sell around RM 30++ per kg in the next couple of weeks. In fact, there are so many durians in the orchard right now so they don’t need the rejects from China.
- Malaysian Durians Shelf Life
Malaysian durians are not the same as Thai durians. We don’t pluck our durians and we wait for the durians to fall once they are ripe. That is the reason why the shelf life of our durians is so short. Many sellers said their durians can’t last for more than two days and it will spoil within a week. If you don’t believe us, just buy a durian and see how long it can last?
- Malaysian Durians exported to China is frozen
All the durians from Malaysia exported to China is frozen as whole or by the flesh. It will take around two weeks to ship to China. Frozen durians can last up to one year. Did you have any frozen durians in durian stalls lately?
- The article claimed Raub and Bentong is RM 30 per kg
Please have some common sense if you want to sell rejected durians, will you pay to transport the durians back from China to Malaysia? Why you want to bring these rejected durians all the way up back to Raub and Bentong? Are there any shipping ports over there? You think shipping back to Malaysia no need money? And who are the geniuses will bring it back up to Bentong and Raub to sell it RM 30 per kg? Transportation no need to pay? Have some common sense.
- Why durians are so cheap in Raub and Bentong?
For durian lovers, we all know the durian orchards are located in Raub and Bentong Pahang. Since the orchards are there, of course it is cheap. They just sell on their door steps like from warehouse.
Interested to read: Top 12 Durians in Malaysia.
We don’t want to comment on the high insecticides because we are not expert for it. Most of the things we mentioned earlier is pure common sense.
We are not experts in durians but we have friends who owned durian orchards, durian stalls and export to China and other countries.
We all know our durian sellers, so do you think they want to spoil their long term reputation by selling rejected durians?
Just think of what we wrote and does it makes sense? Stop spreading fake news and rumours, just go enjoy the cheap durians this time around.
no 5, is very stupid answer. Because the price is so cheap especially now, not always.
Why give 5 reasons when the durians were mainly rejected due to insectisides? Transporting back to malaysia might be compulsory? Because who is gonna be responsible for the rejected durians in China port? Whose durians are those? The raub and bentong sellers? Of course if my product get rejected, i want my product back too to resell it to local citizens who have totally no idea about the durians being rejected by authorities due to insectiside. It makes totally sense if the goods does not comply with other country regulations, it is gonna be rejected. I know u are no expert in insectiside but you cannot ignore the main reason the durians being rejected.
Do you think that all those moron durian farmer orchards will tell you the true, that they use insecticide to all the durian?. Like example, when you buy the durian, the seller will tell you the true like “yes sir, those durian have some insecticide in it.!.”
Come on….get a life….all these durian are having too many insecticide and even the bats and the squirrel dont even want to come close to all those durian. Well, if you want to eat all those durian please go head. Nobody stopping you from eating.
Better still if less people want to eat, more will be available, prices become lower. (Then more rumours about insecticide, etc. maybe).
Another reason for cheaper durians which is not mentioned: there are no strict food standards in China and no enforcement of strict standards, that is why so many problems with imitation and dangerous foods there.
Why Malaysians have to pay higher price on everything mostly?
Becos greedy middlemens are in every business you can think of profiteering to the max.
Let their durians rot, the you will the price plung.
I think the best way is to eat other brand of during like D24, D1 and etc. The so called “common sense’ from this writer is not established at all, it is his own “personal sense”. Agreed with the comment from the feedback.