July 27, 2024


Family Food Travel Website

Is KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport) Busy Now?

We know many of our friends are not traveling due to the corona virus. Some of our friends have either cancel or postpone their travels as many are worried on the corona virus situation. We just travelled to Bangkok last week and we flew back to KLIA a couple days ago. You might be wonder is KLIA still busy now?

klia airport

We flew back to KLIA on weekday night and the airport was pretty calm and quiet. Even our Malaysia Airlines flight from Bangkok was less than half full. Luckily, the Malaysia Airlines front desk officers in Bangkok stopped a Chinese national to check in as the traveller is from affected area in China.

klia airport feb 2020

We didn’t take any pictures inside terminal as we were rushing to get our luggage. The thermal scanner was there, the airport feels cleaner and we know that KLIA cleaning staffs have been sanitizing various parts of the airport.

At the KLIA Departure Hall, the airport feels empty like a ghost town. We do understand it is not that busy at night as there are not many flight but you can tell there were lesser travellers. It is usually busy during morning time as there are more flights.

If you plan to travel, please wear a proper mask and make sure you wash your hands and do not touch your face. We hope that this crisis will be over in this few months so that everyone has the confidence to travel again.

klia airport 2020

We spotted improvements at KLIA with new toilets and new retail outlets this year. This year is Visit Malaysia Year 2020 and we hope more travellers will come to visit our beautiful country!

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