February 9, 2025


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AirAsia X Debt Restructuring Plan Notice to Creditors for Proof of Debt

AirAsia X Debt Restructuring Plan Notice to Creditors for Proof of Debt

Did you receive the AirAsia X Berhad’s Debt Restructuring Plan Notice to Creditors for Proof of Debt yesterday? If you did, it means you purchased AirAsia X ticket and you didn’t manage to fly for the past year. We received it as well as we purchased AirAsia X ticket to Japan last year.

airasia x debt restructing notice
The AirAsia X Debt Restructuring Plan Notice to Creditors for Proof of Debt email notice is something like below:

Dear xxx xxx Ng,

Thank you for your patience as we continue to progress with the regulatory process to restructure our business affairs after submitting an application for a debt restructuring plan to the High Court of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We are pleased to formally inform you that the restructuring process is progressing as planned, and we are now inviting all scheme creditors, including passengers, to participate in the proof of debt (“POD”) exercise.

For the purpose of the POD, you are required to prove your debts. To facilitate this process, we are sharing with you a document that contains a letter and the POD form that explains the requirements of the POD exercise. Each passenger is also assigned a unique E-filing ID which will help us to organize the submissions.

Please complete the POD form and provide all supporting documents, and return the complete pack of documents via hard copy and email by 7 April. You may find more information and details of the POD here.

Your assigned E-filing ID is: A0xxxxx (please indicate this E-filing ID in your POD form).

Click here  to download the POD form.

Following this, within the next two months, you will receive an Explanatory Statement outlining the information relating to the creditors' meeting and the voting process, including any actions you may wish to take.

We understand that these are challenging times for everyone and appreciate your understanding. We thank you for your ongoing support.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Thank you!


AirAsia X Team

When you received this AirAsia X Debt Restructuring Plan Notice to Creditors for Proof of Debt email, you need complete the POD form and provide all the supporting documents, and return the complete pack of documents via hard copy and email by 7 April. You may find more information and details of the POD here.

Two things you need to do, first to complete the POD form and then you need to provide POD Form together with copies of supporting documents must be submitted by hard copy by mail to AirAsia X Berhad (POD), RedQ, Jalan Pekeliling 5, Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (klia2), 64000 KLIA, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.

airasia flight

Please take note that this proof of debt exercise has been sent to you for the purposes of the Proposed Debt
Restructuring and is on a without prejudice basis. This proof of debt exercise shall not be
construed as an admission of liability and AAX reserves its rights in relation to any amounts claimed
and shall be entitled to dispute any amounts submitted/claimed.

How To Fill AirAsia X Proof of Debt Form?

You can find out more at: https://www.placesandfoods.com/2021/03/how-to-fill-airasia-x-proof-of-debt-form.html

Please complete the POD form and then you need to provide POD Form together before 7 April 2021. More info, please visit here. We hope this helps travellers who booked AirAsia X tickets to get their money refunded. Share this okay, thank you.

0 thoughts on “AirAsia X Debt Restructuring Plan Notice to Creditors for Proof of Debt

  1. I received the same email.. But do you know how to complete it.. What information is required on each line..
    That……., the above mentione company.. Is it Air AsiaX in the blank? Etc..what to put under for +….. Is it the airticket reference? They should sent a sample so we know how to do it correctly as most of us are not used to doing this. Then it says we need to complete the online form.. Are our airticket considered as other security or none at all.. Very complicated

  2. i have received a letter about the debt restructuring Plan. for the past year i have 3 tickets to fly from Kuala lumpur to Perth. and these are my reference no: Z3QBPJ, MV31GF, N43ZJT. as per your letter saying that you need prove of debt to submit the form, but i dont know what kind of prove should i provided as if i submit the PDO form, please give me the guideline.
    thank you.

  3. I have received the letter.
    However,I cannot understand the text it is English.Please let us know how to fill in the explanation in Japanes.

  4. Same, too complicated to understand. I think/just guessing…

    I………. of ………… Passport / ID No…….. in the State of ……… do solemnly and sincerely decalre:
    1. That,…. Airasia X Berhad and its Subsidiaries…., the above-mentioned company, was at 30 June 2020 and still is justly and turly indebted to ……….. in the amount of ………… and ………. for…….. as shown by the following account,………….

    Declared at…. ….

    E-filling number:


    just my guessing, will bring to the commissioner for oaths on this coming Monday to ask for more information

  5. I have received the refund in the credit account. Yet i still recieved the POD Email . Do I need to fill in the form and submit to you?

  6. Can you please resend the AIRASIA X DEBT RESTRUCTURING PLAN NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR PROOF OF DEBT to my email again as it was accidently deleted. Thanks.

  7. What does it mean? ↓
    1. Your completed POD Form shall be sworn before a Commissioner for Oaths or such other equivalent
    qualified person in the jurisdiction where you are based.


  8. Can somebody tell me what to fill up those blank spaces at the PROOF OF DEBT form that i have to submit to receive refund for my credit balance with AirAsia? I know some of them what to fill in, but some of them are just to confusing to fill in.! Please somebody help me with form… email me POD form with explanation.

  9. Would a “Commissioner for Oaths or such other equivalent
    qualified person in the jurisdiction where you are based” be equivalent to a ‘Justice of the Peace’ in Australia?

  10. dear sir or madam
    my booking no are TVIFNM ,CN no is 21052020113750 and KRYHHI CN NO 05062020220724 until today i didnt receive any email to inform us debt restructuring plan notice to credit proof of debt. So may i know when can i receive the email so that i can request for the refund.

  11. Hello everyone,
    Is it possible to ask AA for refund to my AA credit account instead of filling and submitting the PoD form?
    My cancelled flight was supposed to depart on March 5, 2021, not in 2020, do I still need to submit the PoD form?

  12. Hi.. i dont received the E filing ID.
    i book for 4 of us but only received 3 e filing ID. Can someone help me

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