July 27, 2024


Family Food Travel Website

Slim River White Water Rafting

3 min read

Slim River White Water Rafting

Some time ago, I went to my first white water rafting experience with Rachel and a group of new friends. While I watched too much ESPN and thought white water rafting is dangerous but this trip is going to change my mind forever.

I was tagged along with a group of new friends, had breakfast and the whole group numbered over 30 of us and we drove to Tanjong Malim, a town in Perak. Then we met a new point before we group together with the organizer.


Driving is always fun and what makes it better is with a group of friends.

Once we put our belongings, we will be transported to the starting point. Well, to make things easier we hopped to a truck to lead to our next destination. We really look like refugees here… Sigh….

Once we reached at the start up point, we grouped. There, we were briefed about the safety and the equipments. I must say these guys are really dedicated and professional. Basically, my worries and fear were gone once the brief was over. Mainly because they use top notch equipments and the safety briefing was a good one. From there I know that there was only ONE bloody thing to worry, its to have FUN!!

We got our safety jacket, our helmet and our paddle and once again, camwhore!!

We were then separated to 8 groups where me, Rachel, Anson, Angie and Joe is in our raft! Here we goes!!!
(Before we went to the raft, Rachel slipped and got a pretty bad cut to her hand, she was okay… but the rocks were slippery… beware)

At first I thought what I saw on ESPN about rafting is all about paddling, I was so damn wrong. In fact, its more to teamwork. Slim River is a Level 2-3 river, so its a beginner river. When in the raft, we were needed to move around to any four directions based to our leader to guide our raft when our raft stuck on the rock, so we needed to constantly moving around. Paddling is only to move the raft but once the raft is stuck, we needed to move around in the raft to move the raft.

Once we started our rafting, a group’s raft went turtled and we managed to rescue one of the girl. It was not dangerous because there are a lot of people around standby but rescuing a person requires teamwork. Then we continue our journey and thanks to you we had this nice photo sequence…

We embraced ourselves as our leader telling us to get ready for a small waterfall..

We went down smoothly and we need to go down to another one!

We got stuck here!

We managed to break free and we were getting overturned!!

We still manage to hold on!!

We made it through!!!

We were later given a break at the river bank as we were served with apples, power bars and Snickers. Then we continued our journey.

Later on, we managed to see the Orang Asli taking bath here.

Then, we ended our 2 hours journey. It was quite a moment and a very joyful adventure.
There were no big injuries and everyone had fun!

We were gathered at the one of Orang Asli village as we will be transported back at the meet up point. Rachel and me took a picture here…

After that we were served lunch and that was the end of the rafting.

The whole rafting was nice and seriously I don’t mind doing it again at another river with the same level or slightly higher. However, I will only do it with my own group as we did had lots of fun in the raft. I think everyone should give this sport a try and getting the right organizer might plays a part as well. I will leave the organizer contact here once I finds it.
For now, I need to take a rest for tonight’s Hari Raya house party. Thanks for reading….

0 thoughts on “Slim River White Water Rafting

  1. helo…pass by to see your blog,
    i am keen to this kind of adventurous activities…
    may i have the organizer'z contact?

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