February 16, 2025


Family Food Travel Website

*Written by Wilson Ng*

This is going to be a short one. I reached Buenos Aires after a long flight from Kuala Lumpur. The whole journey took me around 26 hours inclusive of transit. I havenĀ“t got time getting a local SIM card yet, rushing for dinner now. No jetlags but I got sick when I was on the plane. Let me share a few pictures I took while on my way here.

Waking up 5 am on the plane was worth it. Took this picture showing the sunrise at 30,000 feet above sea level. Priceless.

I might not be in Africa but looking over from the top was breathtaking enough.

Now only I understand why they keep saying Cape Town is a beauty.

Took this on my way to my hotel in Buenos Aires.

One of the monuments that I took in Buenos Aires.

More story and picture to come. Need to get ready for my dinner tonight with the rest of the group. So far so good, weather is around 32c and the sky is really blue, very good for photography. Stay tuned, more to come!

0 thoughts on “Safe and Sound, in Buenos Aires now!

  1. Bro, love the pics. Btw, Cape Town is Awesome!! My last visit there, I rented a car and just drove to the end of Africa, Cape of Good Hope. It was awesome.

    Now that I see the B.A pics, I kind of miss Argentina… especially the Sangria! You know El Obelisco, the monument in center town? I stayed just across it. The traffic there is amazing with like 8 lanes one way. Glad you’re exploring this region as not many Asians will have the chance to do it so max it out bro!

    Malaysia Asia
    .-= David Jr´s last blog ..Kinabatangan River Morning Safari Cruise =-.

  2. You would never want to refuel your luxury car with dirty gas.
    So filling you body with drinks that are not healthy has to be common sense. Take care of your self and your self will take care of you. Living a great healthy life style is about making better food choices.

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