July 27, 2024


Family Food Travel Website

Travel Mission ORIS Col Moschin Part 1: Journey to Mission Destination, Tioman Island, MALAYSIA

Few days ago, I was invited with fellow bloggers, Hanie Hidayah and Smashpop for a Missione Champione for ORIS Col Moschin. Together with 20++ other media representatives, the whole mission was a top secret and only revealed at the destination place, the beautiful Tioman Island.

I am getting ready for Missione Champione!
Firstly, I must thank ORIS Malaysia, for inviting me for joining this Oris Col Moschin Missione Champione. Together with other “privates”, we started off at Subang SkyPark Terminal.

Then we flew with the chartered Berjaya Air for the mission.

The plane is only for the ORIS Col Moschin Missione Champione privates. That was cool!

The beautiful Tioman Island of Pahang, Malaysia

After almost an hour of flying, we reached our destination, the Tioman Island. The view from the top reveals the beautiful scenery of the island. This is my first time going to Tioman Island.

We reached our destination point, Tioman Island safely. But what are we going to do after this could be more terrifying than we thought or it could be just a beach, sun, sand experience? How tough is this ORIS Col Moschin Missione Champione?

You can read our Oris Col Moschin Full Travel Missions:

Travel Mission ORIS Col Moschin Part 1: Journey to Mission Destination, Tioman Island, MALAYSIA

Travel Mission Oris Col Moschin Part 2: Platoon Formations

Travel Mission Oris Col Moschin Part 3: Missions and Finale

Travel Mission Oris Col Moschin Part 4: NEW Oris Col Moschin Limited Edition in MALAYSIA 

0 thoughts on “ORIS Col Moschin Travel Mission Part 1: Journey to Tioman Island

  1. The mission was completed successfully though, good job Private! It was a tough training exercise, but then again we were launching one of our toughest watches yet! =D

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