February 9, 2025


Family Food Travel Website

The Peak Hong Kong Night View

This is one of the most popular attractions in Hong Kong. You might have seen it on magazine, newspaper or TV, the Peak is the place to go if you want the best night view of Hong Kong. It has been the practise for decades until recently the opening of sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck.

sky100 wilson

Even though sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck offers the same attraction but it won’t spoil the party for the Peak. The Peak itself is an attraction and visiting the place is an experience.
the peak tram sign
To visit The Peak, you need to take the Peak Tram. If you want to know more how to get to the Peak Tram, visit How to get to the Peak. Taking the Peak Tram was fun as it reminds my experience in Penang Hill.
the peak tram
You get to meet many tourists on the tram. I saw quite a number of Japanese, a few Caucasians and how could you ever missed out the Chinese. It was like a fun tram with everyone having the positive mood of visiting The Peak.
the peak madame tussauds
There are a few things to do at The Peak. Restaurants are there, there is an art gallery, the view of Hong Kong landscape and Madame Tussauds. This was my second visit to Madame Tussauds and my first was in Madame Tussauds New York City.
the peak hong kong night view
You won’t take long to go to the balcony and take as many pictures as you can. For your info, sometimes the place can be very crowded with people, cameras and tripods.

Regardless how long you waited, there are always people there. Try to help out others to take pictures so they will help you out in return if you are traveling alone. If you are traveling in a group, it will be easier but try not to be an ass and stayed there forever. Others are keen to take pictures like you too so be reasonable and understanding.
the peak hong kong placesandfoods
You will spend hours at The Peak. Regardless, how many pictures you took, you will still try to take as many pictures as you can. If that’s the case, you have been hypnotized by the view of Hong Kong at The Peak.

The Peak Tram Operating Hours:

7 am to 12 midnight

(Mon – Sun & Public Holidays)

The Peak Opening Hours:

10 am to 11 pm (Mon – Fri)

8 am to 11 pm

(Sat, Sun & Public Holidays)

0 thoughts on “The Peak Hong Kong Night View

  1. Hi,

    I came across your site after searching for Bangsar Peak.
    Very weird right.

    Anyways, I really love your photos.
    Which camera are you using?
    It is so bright and clear!

    Too bad it was a bit misty when you were up there.
    I was always lucky whenever I went there a couple of times (used to live in HK).

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