July 27, 2024


Family Food Travel Website

Tiger Cave Temple Krabi (Wat Tham Suea)

Tiger Cave Temple or Wat Tham Suea is a Buddhist temple located northeast of Krabi, Thailand. Krabi is a province in Southern Thailand and you can get there by flight or by car from Bukit Kayu Hitam border or Wang Kelian border.
tiger cave temple krabi
The temple is one of the most sacred Buddist sites in the province and well known for the tiger paw prints in the cave, the tall Buddha statues and the stairs to reach to the peak of the hill.

tiger cave temple entrance

The entrance of the cave.
tiger cave temple monkey
There are also many wild monkeys around the temple. Please do not try to feed them as they might get aggressive and wild monkeys are prone to bring diseases like herpes. Thus, even though they are familiar with tourists, they can be very naughty. Trust me, they have fast hands in snatching your things and play hide and seek with you.
tiger cave temple stairs
The main attraction is to climb 1272 steps to the peak to see the Golden Buddha. On top of the hill, you get a beautiful landscape view of Krabi and Andaman Sea.
tiger cave temple peak

(Golden Buddha at the peak of the hill – Wikipedia.org)
There are many local tours offer Tiger Cave Temple Krabi (Wat Tham Suea) part of their day tour or you can take a tuk tuk or taxi to this temple. Bring your own water and remember not to disturb the cheeky monkeys.

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