July 27, 2024


Family Food Travel Website

Lose 10 Kg in 23 Days

From time to time, I signed up gym membership and promised myself to drag my feet for the workout. It didn’t work out. There was no motivation for me to visit the gym and a few thousands ringgit loss just like that. I could give hundred excuses to skip the gym and also the same reasons to lose weight on the next day.

nexus clinic 103kg
103 kg in Sydney earlier this year.

Who is the biggest culprit for my obesity? It is the fast food restaurants, the soft drinks, the good food or those delicious ice creams or gelatos? The answer is myself. It takes a while to gain that weight in our body and it takes such a long time savouring good food for it.

There is no time to do this and that and how do I find time to lose weight? Is there really an easy way out in losing weight? Well, there is and the answer is professional help. I mean real certified doctors and not slimming centres. I believed in doctors who worked and trained for years rather than a beautician. Weight loss is not a joke and I read so many negative news on slimming centres trying to perform minor surgeries and such.

So I went to Nexus Clinic at Menara UOA II in Kuala Lumpur. They are located at the Lower Ground Floor and founded by Dr. Jasmine with a group of doctors. After visiting them, I did the HCG Program assisted by Dr. Douglas.

nexus clinic with doctors
In Nexus Clinic with Dr Joseph and Dr Jasmine.

The HCG Program is all about my eating habits and my eating lifestyles. I took the 23 days program and well, it wasn’t easy at first but it changes how I choose my food, how I eat and my lifestyle completely. After the program, it has become a habit to continue with my eating healthy lifestyle.

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For the program, I choose to eat healthier food means a good combination of meat and vegetables, I drink only water, tea and plain coffee only and I read food labels. By cutting soft drinks, isotonic drinks, milks, yogurt drinks and other sweet drinks, it is a wonder how it affects my body in general. Same goes to meat, instead of eating fatty food, I choose leaner meat and I still can eat the meat. I took away carbs completely and in 23 days it created wonders to my body.

Losing 10kg is the main factor but how about decreasing my high blood pressure issue as well as fitting in shirts and pants that I never thought I can wear again.

Once a doctor told me this, you can work very hard to earn the money but what is the point if you not have the health and life to spend it with your family. Money is important but life too, I want to see my children grow up and probably if lucky enough, I want to see my grandchildren.  Obesity is not a joke and there are more than half our Malaysia population is overweight. I know my problem and I took one step to cut the risk. A small step but for better health.

nexus clinic after
Hello 93kg!

If you are obese like me and want to change to a better lifestyle and be healthy for yourself and your family, please make an appointment at Nexus Clinic at +60321635699. Giving them a call is one step ahead. Stop giving yourself excuses as I was one of them too.

About Nexus Clinic

Founded in 2001, Nexus Clinic (Formerly known as Mediviron UOA) is a top-notch aesthetic center which is sited in the heart of KL’s Golden Triangle, providing a comprehensive range of non-surgical aesthetic procedures and advanced laser treatments.

Nexus Clinic is dedicated to serve our clients’ needs by providing confidential, professional and personalized aesthetic services to both local and regional market. Our highly experienced doctors and expert medical staff will make sure you feel confident and knowledgeable about your treatment options. It is our desire to help determine the best treatment for the results you seek.


Nexus Clinic Kuala Lumpur
LG 10, Lower Ground Floor,
Wisma UOA II, Jalan Pinang,
50450 Kuala Lumpur,

+603-2163 5698
+6017-2163 569
 [email protected]

Website: http://nexus-clinic.com/


0 thoughts on “Lose 10 Kg in 23 Days

  1. Hi, I previously read about your review on Ion Magnum -and that it is instantaneous & convenient. What I really liked about Ion Magnum (from reading) is that it is equivalent to real exercise and builds muscle along the way. I dont have much time to exercise, but once in a while I do, so I really liked the idea of this treatment to help get me kicked start. However, now I read again you are trying the HCG. HCG is not very applicable to me due to the very low calories, something I am unable to keep up an entire life. Just need an honest opinion / feedback on what your experience was. How is that in comparison to HCG? Was Ion Magnum by the same clinic not effective / lasting effect? It mentioned 2-3 inches lost per session. And generally 10 sessions are recommended. Does that mean cumulative 2 inches towrds the end (i.e. 20inches)? Im sorry for so many questions, just trying to weigh out if this is going to worth me the fortune to get fit again. ?

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