February 15, 2025


Family Food Travel Website

The Ideal Formula Milk For Children

When we look for the ideal formula milk for our children, we always look at the benefits of the products, nutritional facts and values, feedbacks from other mothers and the most important of all the cost of the formula milk.

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We do switch formula milk powders as not every child can tolerate with milk powder. Our little boy had sensitivity issue in the beginning and we had to find the right milk formula for him. We had to adapt to him and not otherwise. Every child is unique and same goes to their formula milk but luckily, both our boys adapted the same formula milk when they grow older.

One of the key elements we missed out on formula milk is the importance of digestive health. This is something new we picked up recently during a health event. We always knew that digestion is important but since our boys had no issue with that, we didn’t really put heavy thoughts on it.

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However, as parents it is best for us to know more and give the best for our children. Good digestion means a ‘stronger inside’ which makes a child happier to explore their surroundings. The importance of strong digestion is crucial to our well-being and health while a poor digestion could impact nutrient absorption and metabolism thus affecting its nourishment and waste management functions.

With great digestion means our child can easily absorb all the nutrients they have taken which makes them stronger from the inside. The after effects will be children will fall sick less and happier. They are active boys and keeping them healthy is our priority.

Thus, they don’t have constipation issues and been going to toilet at least once or twice a day. This is a good routine for them so we know that they are growing up healthy.

A healthy child is what parents wished for and we can see the healthy changes after we switched to Friso Gold.


The formula milk that comes with good digestion nutrients is Friso Gold and we recently switched to this brand and our children adapted easily. Friso Gold is directly imported from Holland from their 19,000 farms. With the history of over 140 years, they create the ideal nourishing environment for producing high quality milk.

On top of that, Friso Gold’s LocNutri™ technology uses mild heat treatment during formula production process to preserve the nutrient. The technology using mild heat treatment during the formula production process, so that proteins are preserved closer to their native structures. The nutrient can then be effectively absorbed by the body. Proteins play an important role in muscle, skin and bones. It helps in tissue building and growth and is a component in red blood cells. We can see the slight change in their behaviour, eating and toilet patterns thus so far it is encouraging. For more information about the importance of good digestion, kindly refer to the roles and functions of the digestive system. 

Talk is easy and why don’t you give your children a try at Friso Gold. Get a free sample at https://www.frisogold.com.my/en/get-a-free-sample




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