Why people queuing up to buy Adidas Originals YEEZY BOOST 350 V2 Live Raffle sneakers?
Why people queuing up to buy Adidas Originals YEEZY BOOST 350 V2 Live Raffle sneakers?
Remember we shared about the story of Hundreds are queuing for Adidas Originals YEEZY BOOST 350 V2 Live Raffle in Pavilion KL. Each pair of Adidas Originals YEEZY BOOST 350 V2 Live Raffle is priced at RM 990. It is not cheap and probably almost half of the salary of a fresh graduates.

Adidas YEEZY BOOST 350, 750 and 950 is created by Kanye West. The celebrity endorsement, the exclusivity, the design, the limited pairs of shoes available and the popularity makes it one of the most popular sneakers in the world right now. You can spot many celebrities in the world is wearing the Adidas Original YEEZY BOOST sneakers.

Shoe picture from http://blog.size.co.uk/2017/02/02/adidas-originals-yeezy-boost-350-v2-release-details-4/
What is the main reason why hundreds are queuing up for this sneaker? It is limited edition sneaker and the resell value is over RM 2,000!! So for each pair, they can make more than RM 1,000! Now, you understand why there are people willing to queue for over 10 hours just to get the chance to purchase the sneaker. Yes, the people queuing up that day is just to register their name and only a handful of people will be selected to purchase the sneaker. This means out of hundreds of people queuing up for the sneaker, only dozens of people will get to purchase the shoe. Thus, there are limited pairs of sneakers on selected sizes. You might be able to purchase Adidas Originals YEEZY BOOST 350 V2 Live Raffle but you might not get your own size.

We spoke to a few college students recently and it is a trend for them to queue up to stand a chance to purchase the sneaker and resell it for side income. However, they do keep it if they find the right size.
We heard that Adidas Originals YEEZY BOOST 350 V2 Live Raffle Zebra version will be releasing on 25th February 2017 so there will be another queuing up session soon.
Please take note that you can find people queueing for Adidas Originals YEEZY BOOST 350 V2 Live Raffle in the participating Adidas outlets around the world and not just Malaysia or Singapore or in Asia.