July 27, 2024


Family Food Travel Website

BBC article mentions Yee Sang is created in Singapore

1 min read
yee sang

We blogged about the origin of Yee Sang in 2013 and you can read it here. Yesterday, BBC posted an article ‘Singapore Salad That Makes You Rich’ and you can read it here. The article mentioned that four chefs in Singapore created Yee Sang in 1960s.

You can read the article from BBC and then you can also read the recent article from Cilisos ‘CHINA DIDN’T INVENT CNY YEE SANG, THIS SEREMBAN MAN DID!. It is clearly stated that Yee Sang is created in Seremban in 1940s while Yee Sang is created in Singapore in 1960s.

Like we mentioned earlier in our 2013 blogpost, our Singaporeans friends were surprise to see we celebrated Chinese New Year with Yee Sang in the 1980s. A few decades later, Singapore claimed that four chefs created Yee Sang like magic.

The origin of the modern Yee Sang is a hot debate between the two countries. Singapore claimed it started since 1964 in Singapore’s Lai Wah Restaurant while Malaysia claimed it started since 1947 in Seremban’s Loke Ching Kee.

Honestly, writers nowadays seem don’t really bother to research before posting an article anymore. Everything can be found on the Internet.

Another hot debate next is the origin of Bakuteh. This is another Malaysian dish claimed by Singapore. We tasted both versions and the Malaysian version taste better. Bakuteh is originated from Klang for decades and magically it is claimed by Singapore again.

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