July 27, 2024


Family Food Travel Website

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake Hits Japan with Tsunami Warning

1 min read

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake Hits Japan with Tsunami Warning

japan earthquake

Just a moment ago, magnitude 6.4 earthquake hits North West of Japan. It is 34 km from Tsuruoka, Yamagata, Japan at 9:22 pm.

There are no casualties but Japan’s Meteorological Agency issued a warning for a 0.2-1.0 metre tsunami along the north west coast of the island.

However, there are no reports no irregularities with Tepco’s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant in Niigata.

According to Tohoku Electric Power, blackouts have occurred in Yamagata and parts of Niigata Prefecture.

In Yamagata Prefecture, there are about 5,700 homes in Tsuruoka City and about 200 homes in Sakata City. Source – TheSunUk

Just be safe if you are traveling in this part of Japan.

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