February 12, 2025


Family Food Travel Website

5 Things About 2020

Been thinking should we blogged about 2020 as it is not that great anyways. Looking back at 2020, we try to narrow down 5 things about 2020. Of course, these are events that happened in Malaysia in 2020 and let’s read about 5 things about 2020.

5 things about 2020
  1. COVID-19

There were already news report on COVID-19 in December 2019 and then the virus starts to spread in the first few months of 2020.  WHO (World’s Health Organization) declared COVID-19 is a pandemic on 11 March 2020 and from there many countries start to lock down until today.

Malaysia started the lock down on 18th March 2020 as part of MCO (movement control order) and it is more the less still partial lock down up today.

COVID-19 changed many people’s life’s hood, affected many job sectors especially in travel industry, closed down businesses as well as forcing people to have the new norm of getting cleaner in wearing mask, washing hands and social distancing.

Things are still more the less the same and hopefully it will be better with the COVID-19 vaccination in 2021 for Malaysians.

  • Vision 2020

We all know about Vision 2020 or Wawasan 2020. Malaysia had the vision to become first world country in 2020.

Well, it didn’t happen and we are still more the less the same as it used to be. Vision 2020 oh well is still a dream that never happened. It is more like the scene of ‘Back of The Future’ movie when they travelled to the future with flying cars and other stuffs that never happens in reality.

  • Visit Malaysia Year 2020

This is an unfortunate thing that didn’t work due to the COVID-19. This year, Visit Malaysia Year 2020 supposed to attract record breaking of tourists visiting our country but due to the COVID-19, Visit Malaysia Year 2020 has been cancelled.

  • The Change of Malaysia government

This was unexpected even though we heard rumours about it. The change of the Malaysia government was a big surprise and we were in Thailand when the event happened.

We don’t really talk about politics on our social media or on our blog but the change of government definitely a history making event or it is also better known as ‘The Sheraton Move’.

  • Liverpool wins Premier League Title for the first time in 30 years

Well as a Liverpool football fan for almost 30 years, this is a long wait. For more than 20 years, we have endured insults from rival football clubs (we all know which club) and Liverpool almost didn’t win the Premier League Title as the football season was suspended abruptly due to COVID-19.

liverpool champions

After the Premier League restarts, Liverpool wins the Premier League title for the first time in 30 years and celebrate with empty stadium and zero supporters. This is how ironic it was.

These are the 5 Things About 2020 that is important in our opinion. Of course there are many other things which include everyone becomes a master chef at home, everyone spend more time at home with family and e-commerce sites and delivery sites become super important in 2020.

Let us say goodbye 2020 and hope for a better 365 days in 2021. Be positive and be safe everyone. Have a great 2021 everyone!

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