February 18, 2025


Family Food Travel Website

MY SPR Semak to Check Your Voting Station

We have been voting since we are eligible to vote in Malaysia. As Malaysian, we always believe our right as Malaysian to vote for our choice of politician, political party and government. For those who are voting tomorrow for General Election 15 (GE15), remember to check for your voting station with MY SPR Semak.

myspr semak

You can check your voting station with MY SPR Semak at their website at: https://mysprsemak.spr.gov.my/semakan/daftarPemilih

Just enter your IC number and the captcha and it will show you where is the voting station. Let me show you the example by MY SPR Semak.

For the venue, it will be specifically to the venue and there will be time of voting from 8am to 6pm. There are recommended timing of 10 am to 12 pm based on their recommendation.

MY SPR Semak to Check Your Voting Station

Remember to mark down your ‘Saluran’ and ‘Bilangan’ number to the voting station. For example, this is Saluran 5 and Bilangan 2251.

Some of the safe practices for GE 15 voting as COVID-19 is still around.

1.Wear double mask.

2.Keep personal space of one meter.

3.Bring and use hand sanitiser especially after using their pen.

4.Bring plastic bag and rubber band to keep your phone when placing into box. After that dispose the plastic bag and sanitise your phone.

5.Bring tissue paper to wipe finger after dipping into ink.

6.Do not hang around polling station and go home for shower.

Happy voting everyone and we remember to visit MY SPR Semak to Check Your Voting Station. One vote can decide the future of our current and next generation.

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