September 21, 2024


Family Food Travel Website

The Chong Khneas Floating Village, Tonle Sap Lake, CAMBODIA

The Chong Khneas Floating Village, Tonle Sap Lake, CAMBODIA
The moment Rachel and I were picked up by tour agency van from the airport of Siem Reap, the tour guide was selling us the Tonle Sap Lake tour. As the rest looked unconvinced, we booked the tour for ourselves. Frankly, it wasn’t the first time I heard about Tonle Sap Lake. Fellow friend blogger, David of MalaysiaAsia has already told me earlier on.
After checking in the hotel and 15 min later, we hopped on to the tour van and we were on our way to one of the largest fresh water lake in Southeast Asia.

However, I am not going to write about Tonle Sap Lake. In fact, I will introduce a place called Chong Khneas. Chong Khneas is a floating village. To go to Tonle Sap Lake, we need to go to a small jetty at Chong Khneas. To go there, we need to travel on the road for around an hour.

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The jetty at Chong Khneas

As in April 2010, they were building a canal near Chong Khneas, the water of Chong Khneas and Tonle Sap Lake was muddy brown.
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A typical floating house at Chong Khneas Floating Village

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A floating workshop at village

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Pit Stop: Diesel refueling on the boat

The village was small. The “house” boats parked along the river and there were quite a few sundry shops selling food and diesel for boats.

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A government environmental department in Chong Khneas

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There was even a church built by the South Koreans.
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Families traveling with the “sampan”

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“River traffic jam!”

As it was summer, the water of the river was the lowest point of the year. Bigger boats often stuck at the side of the river and created a massive traffic jam.

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Caught a fish? Fishing near the river bank

Even at time like this, there were locals wasting no time fishing while the children swam in the river.

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A typical floating house at Chong Khneas

Though they were financially poor but they looked happy with their way of life. Well, this proven “money can’t buy happiness”.

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Happy swimming! Kids enjoying themselves under the hot weather
Growing up and living in the city, such living conditions surprised me and Rachel. That is one of the many reason, you should visit Chong Khneas and Tonle Sap Lake.
I hope you loved this. Thank you for reading.

0 thoughts on “The Chong Khneas Floating Village, Tonle Sap Lake, CAMBODIA

  1. Hi Wilson!

    i also just back from Siam Reap last month!
    totally same with you, we get caught in a “river traffic jam”. My boat attacked by muddy water caused by a green and young boat’s driver. Really bad luck!

    Travel to an undeveloped country like Cambodia, let me think a lots! The feelings are totally different with other trips!

    But no regrets visited Angkor Wat!

    p/s: Beh tahan the weather in Cambodia during Summer season! Sweat, sweat and sweat…

    Best regards

    1. Well, the time I went there it was around 42c. We went to 10 temples on the second day, from sunrise to sunset. Ended up with a good cheap massage near the Pub Street. Loved it!

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