July 27, 2024


Family Food Travel Website

Wau Bulan performed by The St. John’s Boys Choir 

2 min read

Wau Bulan performed by The St. John’s Boys Choir 

We just have to post this even though it is not related to places and foods. Just a couple of days ago, a video from Natalie Ringsmuth went viral on Facebook. It is a performance by The St. John’s Boys Choir (Collegeville, MN). The song is non other than ‘Wau Bulan’ from Malaysia.  They were rehearsing in preparation for their ACDA concert in Chicago, IL, USA.

wau bulan

Arranged and choreographed by Tracy Elisa Wong. There are two videos posted by Natalie and they are as below.

The complete version is the video that went viral.

There is a shorter version which Natalie posted earlier that is worth to watch too.

Let’s talk about the song. ‘Wau Bulan’ is a folk song and dance that originated from Kelantan, Malaysia. It is a popular song and we used to hear many ‘dikir barat’ performances singing ‘Wau Bulan’ so when we hear this song, it gives us lots of good memories. Dikir Barat is usually performed by Malaysians to preserve and cultivate the Malay community culture of song and dance. ‘Wau bulan’ means Malaysian traditional kite with a rounded bottom shape like half moon. You still can find ‘wau bulan’ kites in Northern states of Peninsula Malaysia.

So who is Tracy Elisa Wong? She is a Malaysian and we met her many years ago in one of her performances in Bangsar. We didn’t really keep in touch with her but we know that she moved to Canada some time ago.

Credit must go to her for arranging and choreographing the song for The St. John’s Boys Choir. Like the tiger cannot change its stripes, a true Malaysian never forget its roots. Kudos Tracy! We are proud of you and your choir team. Good luck for the ACDA concert in Chicago.

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