July 27, 2024


Family Food Travel Website

Ah Loong Grill Fish @ Wang Zi Kafe, NZX, Ara Damansara

3 min read


Next, was the Fried Pork Knuckle…


When I cut the fried pork knuckle, I could feel the skin cracking signaling the crispiness of it. Pork knuckle might looks like an easy dish, but sadly its not. Some would have crispy skin but the meat will totally overcooked while some might have tender meat but the skin is not crispy. Finding a right combination of both, is quite hard actually. Luckily, the fried pork knuckle here had crispy skin with tender meat. Came together with the jelly fish, it went well with the chili sauce. This dish might look fat, but it was the ladies who ate the most out of it.

salad prawn

Salad prawn was next. Disguised with the salad, the prawn was nothing less than decent.

lala soup

La La soup was next. First thing first, la la was not overcooked and the soup was deeply flavoured with hints of chinese wine. The whole package came together well.

seafood taufu

The mixed seafood with beancurd. A mixture of seafood with tomato sauce poured on the beancurd. Some might love this, some might have different preference on this. I would say I prefer to stay neutral on this.

special mix

The special mixed vegetables didn’t disappoint me. The vegetables were cooked nicely enough to have the “crunchiness” feel. This was decent.

chic yam

As the feast went on, we were served with claypot chicken with yam. I haven’t had such dish for some time. Well, I must say that personally I would prefer the yam to be softer but the overall taste was decent.

chic fish

It was Rachel’s first experience with chicken fish. Oh well, I had a few times with my family before. We loved it. Rachel has a personal preferences on fish, so anything related with fish she would rate it slightly higher.


How could we complete the lunch without their famous asam grilled fish. Grilled to perfection, the asam grilled sting ray was a popular dish. For those who fancy spicy, this will be a match making dish. Not to mention, the tasty spicy chili sauce that blends well with the fish. It was good.

In general, the food was good and the place was comfortable. Didn’t know much about the pricing as it was a food review. My personal preferences? Pork Knuckle, don’t miss it!

Thanks again, Big Boys Oven, Ken of FoodPOI, Richard, Edward and Wang Zi Kafe for the invitation.

69G, Jalan 1A/41B,
Pusat Dagang NZX PJU 1A,
Petaling Jaya 47301 Selangor M,sia
Tel: 603- 7885 0252
Fax: 603- 7885 0252
Web: http://www.loonggrillfish.blogspot.com

0 thoughts on “Ah Loong Grill Fish @ Wang Zi Kafe, NZX, Ara Damansara

  1. The pork knuckle sound and looks interesting. Not many people can pull off a good pork knuckle as I have tried. Most claim they can but the finished product goes wrong. I'll put this place on my next pork-adventure. Thanks.

    Malaysia Asia

  2. I also have never been to NZX, hehe! So, Babe_KL, u r not the only one! The grilled assam fish looks yummy… the other dishes looked good too.

  3. great food shots! somehow, drinks so colorful make me worry but the amt of coloring going into my stomach! lol

  4. david: thanks for dropping by

    andy: u always hungry

    j2kfm: yeah.. thanks for dropping by

    xin: u superbusy ma…

    bbo: thanks, i guess it wont happened

    foodbin: foods were okay, but food preferences differ from one person to another… its subjective

    babe_kl: many people never also

    pureglutton: same same… lots of ppl never been to there also

    mimid: u like it?

    cumi and ciki: well coloring is everywhere now rite…

  5. I went there for dinner with my family awhile ago. The cord fish is not fresh, the lala was not as tasty as the one I tried in Kuchai Lama. We order 3 types of drinks, 2 of them were not nice too. I do like the strawberry pudding. The customer service is excellent.

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