February 9, 2025


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Okayama Famous White Peaches Featured in Ho Chak!

Okayama Famous White Peaches Featured in Ho Chak!

Last week, Ho Chak! In Japan features the beautiful city of Okayama. The city is only 45 minutes train ride from Osaka and it is popular for its scenic attractions, food and legendary Momotaroh. Now, let’s check out some of the things as featured in Ho Chak! In Japan Episode 8.

okayama peach ho chak

It terms of attractions, they visit the Okayama Castle which is also known as the Crow Castle due to its unique black colour exterior. The castle was almost completely destroyed during the World War II and it was rebuilt in 1966 with concrete. This is the main attraction in Okayama.

okayama castle
Okayama Castle

In terms of food, they tasted the popular Okayama white peaches, grapes as well as the fruits parfait. Fruits picking is a popular activity in Okayama and the season is during summer which is from July to September. You can pick and eat fruits like White Peaches and grapes. For more info on Peach picking tour, you can visit http://nishiyamafarm.com/index_en or http://www.hakutou.jp/peach-picking/index_en.html (inclusive of grapes picking tour).


Coincidentally, we were in Okayama earlier this month and we managed to taste the white peach. It is not cheap and not the freshest as it is not the season but it is so good. We bought it from AEON Okayama and you can watch the video of the tasting below. It is better to eat without the skin but why not?

For Fruits Parfait, it is available in many restaurants in Okayama. It is like their iconic dessert and the taste is really good. They use local fruits and the taste is very refreshing, tasty and addictive. It is different than the usual Parfaits you find in Malaysia or Singapore.

okayama parfait

As usual, Ho Chak! In Japan will feature a restaurant in Kuala Lumpur and for this episode, it is Tokyo Restaurant in Isetan Japan Store Lot 10. While we know Tokyo Restaurant is popular with their cheesecake, for this episode they create a special Peach dessert for Gary and Orange.

ho chak okayama peach

They imported the Okayama’s White Peach for this episode. It is combination of ice cream, peach, sorbet and topped with mint leaves. It is very creative and taste really good too. Sadly, this is not in their permanent menu.

ho chak okayama behind the scene
Behind the scene picture in Tokyo Restaurant.

Below are the Ho Chak! In Japan Episode 9 Behind the Scenes Videos.

Remember, the best part of the Ho Chak! In Japan is you get to win cool prizes from Fun Japan Malaysia. The contest is for Malaysians only and you can hashtag #hochakinJapan on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and remember to set your pic or video to Public. There will be cool prizes to be won so good luck guys!

This is episode 9 of Ho Chak! In Japan and the last episode will be aired at 6pm, 31st Dec 2017 on 8TV!

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