July 27, 2024


Family Food Travel Website

5.The Discovery


Take a self-drive tour and discover why Tasmania is so naturally beautiful and within easy reach. Harbourside cities are only a short drive from ancient rainforests, rugged mountains and crystal clear lakes teaming with wild trout. Freedom can be found around every bend.
tasmania raining hut
I know many of my friends who self-drive in Tassie and some of them even rented caravan. Now, self drive a caravan is something that you can’t do in Malaysia and in many other countries too. That is something you should try once in the lifetime.
tasmania misty dam
You can also consider cycling in Tassie for discovery. The roads in Tassie are in good condition and it is not as busy as other cities. With the freshest air in the world and out of the world scenery, cycling in Tassie will be one hell of experience.

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